Hi all,
Thanks for your warm emails for Jersey. I am going to print all of them on one page, put it in a plastic folder and attach it on the tree next to his grave inside the forest. This will also help me to recognise the place in the winter.
I read the Rainbow Bridge poem that Barbara sent me and try to believe this is a true. I am also waiting for a message from Jersey about a new cat...
I miss him a lot. As a typical British Shorthair he used to come to the door every time I entered and I feel awful now.
My big lesson from that case and the last emails about Sebastian is that not all vets are experienced as I thought before. Some of them are and some are not. I don't know how many people are in the forum but hopefully we cover half of the states. We might make a list with the qualified vets for each state based on personal experience. In case somebody needs a FeLV vet the name can be pulled from the record. It is helpful because not everybody is available at anytime but the list can be online 24/7. This is just a suggestion.
I will stay in the forum and try to help if I can.

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