One of my 4 year old babies, a mutt doggy, Corky (mix of Scottie, Westie and Schnauzer) all of sudden started having bloody stools early this morning – or I should say, there really was no stools, just tons and tons of dark red bloods coming out like a flood so much came out that I almost fainted – I never seen so much blood at one place– she has also thrown up – I took her to her the emergency clinic getting some IV and antibiotics – she bleeded there also.  After some testing, they narrowed it down to a couple of things – and they are hoping that fluid therapy and the antibiotics will treat her -  please pray for Cork’s recovery – a poor baby, she is very scared there, she is never out of the house and I really want to be able to bring her home soon!


Also, last Saturday, I rescued a boy kitty who I had been feeding for several months now.  I  noticed that he lost lots of weight (I hadn’t seen him for a couple of weeks) – and I took him to the vet – everything seems to be OK except that on ELISA, he tested positive on FIV – now I am having Cornell Lab to do the western blot (as I had a couple of cats who tested positive on FIV via ELISA, and ended up negative later) – anyway, now I have to figure out where to place him – he must have belonged to someone a long time ago, as he is very friendly and used to people. I talked to Carl (I named him Carl) via AC – Carl told my AC that he used to be an indoor kitty when she was a kitten, and somehow he became an outdoor kitty, and somehow, then he did not have a home anywhere – I asked via AC, if he would like to stay with me and to be an indoor kitty, he said “he would like that very much” – I hope his lost weight is just a temporary, and I am so praying that the western blot will come back as negative – please also pray for Carl’s well-being, he is such a sweet baby, and he has had a rough life since he had lost home…

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