WB Terrie! Wow, you missed alot... you might want to do an archives reading session. :-)
I'm not sure exactly how long you've been gone, but I think the two most current issues on the list are Michelle's Bramble not doing well (seizures), and the Angel Wings Cat Sanctuary fiasco (turns out to be a kitty hell-hole). You guys correct me if I missed something else major in the past couple of days.
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
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