Ask your vet to contact Michelle Rose - the number is 805-339-2290 (Nina’s vet) – I also a received a packet, if you want me to make a copy for you, I can.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Interferon and seizure meds



What is your vets name & address, so we can get the information packet on the interferon.

Barbara Baass

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in
here. Michelle lives in the UK where Feline Interferon Omega has been
approved for use. It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!)
there. In the US, we have to have our vets apply for a special
dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case. I've done
that, along with a couple other people on the list. If you're
interested, check the archives for further information about it and
getting it. My vet's office has developed an information packet that
they happily share with other vets to speed the process.

Barbara Baass wrote:

> *Michelle,*
> *Where did you get this interferon?*
> *Barbara Baass*
> *//*

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