It's too bad she couldn't be forced to turn over the property, and then maybe instead of confiscating the cats money could be raised to clean up the property, build a 'barn' there and keep it as a decent sanctuary........  I think it did say she had put up cat fencing around the perimeter of the property, so the cats are fenced in.

Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  You may be right...I don't think these are the same pictures I looked at...I don't remember the inside at all...As somebody else said...Is anybody livibg there or have they been abandoned???
  I would think those inside pictures would be enough to show to a local official and with rescue onboard, cages in hand get a sherif escorted visit...
    The point is I guess...I don't believe in voting or writing letters etc. on something that I have to take somebody elses word on unless I know that person very well personaly...By those pictures they should be able to handel the problem localy...
 And even here in VT they have a very active feral program to support a number of cats that live outdoors through our -30 degree winter nights ..
And for that matter..those happy ending nuns cats are moving to ski country in NY...They may have to deal with a bit colder weather next winter too...

I did not mean to say you are doing nothing to save cats in general, I meant you are doing nothing in THIS case, sorry if I wasn't clear. I know you do alot in other cases.
They are ALREADY dying AT this place , so saying that you wont support the actions unless you are sure no death will come of it doesn't really make much sense (death is coming of it IF we do nothing).
You MUST not have looked at ALL of the photos Tad, the lush country side you speak of is a small consolation for the ones INSIDE in THIS:
And this is the lush countryside?
The rescue that is working with Ms. Harvey (she's already turned over 6 cats voluntarily) is working very hard to be there when it all goes down, to try to save these cats from going into the hands of the city animal control. Unlike you, I do not believe that it is humane to let cats fend for themselves with minimal shelter and food, they are domesticated animals, and I feel they require a clean and safe living enviroment to thrive. Even minimal shelter is questionable in this case, it must REEK of ammonia inside that trailer that serves as their "shelter"! Cats have very sensitive respiratory tracts, and being forced to find refuge in filth that reeks of ammonia is very bad for them.
  Please don't say I am doing nothing....True..I am doing nothing on getting someone that may be doing a lot more than you are to save cats from be ing shut down....
  I asked for the proof that these cats were suffering....They may have a couple junk piles but that has little to do on how the cats are being cared for...In the lush country side shown in the pictures most cats could survive quit well on their own and just having some very minimul shelter and care is far better than being rounded up and pronounced too sick to save and being PTS the same day...No time to get any rescue in to save them unless like the nuns the rescue goes in with the sherif and does the seizure...There just isn't room for these cats to remain alive at an instance notice...
I just don't think writing a bunch of letter to officials complaining is going to bring a happy ending to these cats....Over and over again if you follow up a seizure most of the animals are PTS the same day....
  And by the far as doing nothing...Remember those 3 FeLV+ cats you were going to take from NJ if you could set up transportation...Well..It so happened that I had taken in an FeLV+ from a few miles away down there just a month before...The same transport that I used was readily still available and I was going to take the remaining 2 positives...Fortunately the hole mess was taken care of locally...
Yes...In the last 6 months I have lost 3 cats...But I have taken in 2 seniors left at my vets office to be PTS becouse our local no kill shelter had no room for them...And we don't even have a big problem here in VT...Also The shelter called me and asked if I could take a beautiful long haired buff colored cat that had be brought in stray...His ears half gone from frost bite...and FeLV+....Probably some students kitten that grew up and got put outside at Green Mountain Collage...
My vet bills and food bills are well over $400 a month for my 27 rescue cats and it all comes out of my pocket...
But you are right...I will not write letters to a sherif 1000 miles away complaining about something that I don't have more proof of without knowing that something other than death will come of it....

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