Have you used Lysine? You can tell in a day or two if that makes it better. Sorry, I haven't been reading all the posts - been busy - but 250-500 mg in food or syringed twice a day.


At 09:40 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:
Hi Kat,
Yes, it could be a URI, (upper respiratory infection), but even a simple cold can be very dangerous to our fragile angels because they develop other problems when they are stressed. If it is some sort of allergy, it's been effecting more than one cat, and for more than a week. Thank you for your good wishes. I'm keeping a close eye on her and hoping she feels better soon.

Kathleen A. Berard wrote:

I'm not nearly as well versed in cat diseases as I am dog diseases, as I
have only had one FIP kitty in the past. Could this be some sort of
respiratory infection that is evidenced partly by eye involvement? Or
even just allergies, since they go outside?

Fingers crossed for all of them that it's nothing serious.


Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences
Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant
"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for
your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

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