When my cat tested positive, they tested with the IFA the same day.  Of course, my cat was dreadfully ill.  With my negative cats that were exposed, they had me have tests every 90 days for a year.  Then I moved to every six months for a year.  I am due now for another test and if it is neg, I will go to once a year. 

Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I never heard of having to wait 30 days, but yes there are some cats that can "throw it off" it depends if Tom was born with it or contracted it and then was tested right after, one of my cats supposedly had it in his bone marrow, and they could tell that because of the number of platlets he had, (I am not sure if I am relaying this correctly). Hope in some off handed way this helped.

I just got back from the vet with Tom...  You all know so much, tell me what you think about what he said.  Tom originally tested + on last Friday, but I read an article that they should have a retest right away with a different type of test (IFA, since Tom had a ELISA snap test).  The vet said that no, we cannot retest until 30 days, but then if it is negative, all that means is that it may have moved to his marrow.  I was hoping to hear that some cats fight it off.  I think I read that too.  So all we really did was rabies/distemper and a heartworm test.  Does all this sound right?  There is another vet in the same office that is more specialized with cats, but he was in surgery today.
Thanks for any tips!
Erika & Tom

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