Michelle, You have been through so much, I hope nothing is wrong with Lucy, sending positve vibes your way. Please, Please keep us informed.

I am feeling stressed about Lucy, and do not know if it is reasonable or I am just paranoid. A few times over the past week, including tonight when I got home from being gone for 2 days, it has seemed to me like her breathing is faster than normal. She is purring all the time when I look carefully at her, so it is purring breaths, but it seems twice as fast as the other cats.  I tried to count her breaths but can not see or feel them, only can hear the purrs through her nose. She is otherwise eating, playing, purring, etc. normally.  I of course always fear lymphoma because I have lost mine to that.  Some of you have had cats with lung tumors. Was this a first symptom, or was there wheezing and visible breathing?

Have a purrfect day

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