Thank you Kerry for pointing this out. It's not that important if you are making a home made diet for just a short time, but extended 'plain chicken' will cause other problems in the long run. Wysong puts out a supplement to add to their plain meat canned food called Call of the Wild. There is also one from Know Better Cat Food called Feline Factors, this one is to add to raw food. Ask your vet what you should be using to bring his diet into balance. Add less of it at first, (or you might turn him off to his food), then gradually build up to the recommended amount. I'm thrilled to hear that Bramble is hanging in there!

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

Michelle--I'm sure you already know this, but thought I'd touch base anyway--I had to give all my Felv cats broiled chicken for weeks (there was no way the others were going to sit and watch the genuine "patient" enjoy his without getting in on the act themselves.) (I hear you re the $$$ by the way---ouch!) The vet told me (2 weeks later, and only after I asked her even tho it was her that prescribed the chicken for Snoball's diarrhea in the first place!) that chicken alone did not supply their needs and I should add a supplement. Just thought I should mention it. Glad to hear Bramble is thoroughly enjoying life! All best wishes for the little sweetheart's continuing recovery---Kerry

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