Hi, Tonya, do you know if her liver condition got better with milk thisle and denosal?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 5:20 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: My sweet brave baby - George: FIV and a liver problem


I'm sorry George is positive for fiv, but he's got himself a good home which is the most important thing.  I had a cat with liver problems who took milk thistle.  She also took something else that I can't recall the name of.  I'll try to find it for you.  She has since passed, but it was not from the liver disease.



Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, everyone – I took George to the vet yesterday afternoon – I was hoping that we could examine him and draw a blood without anesthesia because of his physical weakness – I picked him up and was able to put him a bag with a zipper with no problem, he did not try to scratch me or bite – I felt like he trusted me somehow – but when he was taken to the back to draw a blood, they really couldn’t do it because he was so wiggly – anyway, I really hated the idea of anesthesia, but with the understanding that it’s going to be a plain short one – I went ahead and gave them a permission – I was so scared while waiting, I almost lost one of my FIV boys in the past from the reaction from anesthesia and I lost Suzi from spaying surgery – I was sooooooooo nervous.


My George did very well – I was so proud of him and he ate last night (really good) and I am hoping that he will not have averse reaction from the procedure.


Anyway, he was tested positive for FIV, which I was not devarsted by – I have already 5 FIV positive guys and they are all chubby happy boys – he only weighed 7.6 lb, he was very skinny – all the blood work came back normal, except his liver – his skin is all jaundice and the values of AST, ALT Total Billirubin are very very high!


My holistic vet had suggested before to use Milk Thistle for Leo when he had a liver problem – I am writing to see if anyone has any suggestions for liver problem.  As I understand that liver is the most important organ, but fortunately, liver has a great recovery capability unlike Kidney (his kidney is normal – yeah!!!!!!!!!) – anyway, if you have any suggestions, please let me know – I would like to do everything I can do help him!!


PS, he even lets me pet him – I just love my little George!  

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