Hi, Barbara – a damn of me, yes I meant “veterinarians” and not “vegetarians”  - my smart computer overwrote my will as always, and I was stupid enough not to know about it – thank you!


I also thought about Cat Fancy – that’s good one – I need to get a list of people together who wont mind being interviewed so that they can publish the actual experience –


Thank you very much all your help on this-


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barbara Lowe
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 12:49 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Pls help increase awareness "knowing wrong things aboutFIV+ cats"


sounds good to me. it's been such an uphill battle just with felv+. 

just a nitpick. you wrote vegetarians, you do mean veterinarians, right?

and if you do mean veterinarians, i would think such a paper would be very time consuming because of the research involved.(years) and take a long time to get published. I keep meaning to print up a list of websites with felv+ info to give out to my vets because I get so many phone calls from them whenever another patient's cat tests positive and they need someone to talk to. a list of fiv+ sites would be good also. again the problem is if the vets are old school or just don't want to be bothered, they might not even want to be bothered giving out this kind of info to their clients because their clients would then seek a different vet's help in taking care of their cats which translates as a loss of income to the first vet.

has any magazine like Cat Fancy done any articles on fiv lately?  I know Angel's Gate founder recently published a book think it's called Getting Lucky--dont' know what the contents are. She might have contacts tho or suggestions. (i forget who it is on the list recently brought a cat there).  also Denise Flaim at Newsday here on Long Island also published a book last year I believe. she has a weekly pet column--maybe write her to ask to do an article on fiv. (i don't get newsday anymore--no time to read!) Or google other pet columnists for other area newspapers to hit them up.

i will ask a local rescue for the info on fiv's. I know of one cat.



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:11 PM

Subject: FW: Pls help increase awareness "knowing wrong things about FIV+ cats"


Please let me know if you have any suggestions or thought – or do you think it’s a damn idea?




From: Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 12:11 PM
Subject: Pls help increase awareness "knowing wrong things about FIV+ cats"


Since I have been on this list, I have learned a lot about wrong doings of how FIV+ cats have been treated everywhere in the world due to the misconception and lack of knowledge or knowing wrong information – I am aware that there have been and are going to be many many FIV+cats who have been and are going to be euthanized just because they tested positive (whether it’s false or right information) – I am not sure what the best way to do about it – but we have what we call “living examples” of how less threatening FIV+ cats are to FIV negatives and how normal life FIV+ can live for a long time – and wanted to somehow make some social movements on FIV cats so that FIV cats are treated better at the shelters, rescue groups, and by vets, clinics, and by individual who found out their (new or existing cats) are tested positive –


Again, I am not sure how to go about it – because anything that is published publicly needs to come from a vegetarian, but wanted to compile the information by gathering your experience and present them somehow so that this information are going to be spread via a vegetarian conference or published via pet magazines, newsletters or etc …..I am thinking of sending an email to Dr. Addie (who does research at Univ of Glasgow – she has dedicated last two decades on FIP cats – but she might have an idea as to which doctor might be supportive of this idea – I also thought of contacting to Dr. Yamamoto (I think that’s her name) who discovered the virus in 1986 and to see if she has any suggestions or she can help somehow based on our experience.


Anyway, I want to do something to protect lives of FIV+ kitties in the world – if anyone (even if you have done so already) can you send me the information as to how many and how long FIV+ cats (and negatives) you have and how long they have been integrated, and whether they have been transmitted or not (and the date of the last test done of negatives) and health status of FIV cats (we believe the FIV status does not have any averse affect on their life span – and I would like to advocate this fact also


Please let me know what you think of the idea and any information you might be able to help.


Thank you


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