Took Flavia for another blood test today, and her count is maintained at 21. So that's a relief, for today at any rate. Have scheduled another bloodwork appointment for Wednesday.  (I have a suspicion that she is still craving litter--she was sniffing it this morning and may have eaten some.)
I had to chase her today to catch her--not good. She was easy to handle at the vet, though--she always is.
My biggest concern is that I have to go to UK July 6-22. Really, really bad timing. I am really anxious that I be with her if she relapses again. My feeling is that she is living on borrowed time, and if the worst does come to the worst I want to be with her.The vet said they could give her another steroid shot (before I leave).
Thanks for all your good wishes--please keep sending them.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Flavia further update

That is great news about Flavia-- amazing actually-- at least tentatively. >From 7.5 to 21 in a matter of 2 days is truly amazing. I wish so much that when Simon crashed at the end, with a hematocrit of 8, that he had let them put the catheter in to transfuse him. He had been so traumatized by them sticking him a lot one time that he fought it every time after that, and when his hematocrit was 8 he could not breathe while fighting and they said he would die from the fighting and not breathing and would not transfuse him.  I wish I had tried to get them to, or to tranquilize him or something.  I did not think getting up to 21 was a likely outcome from a HCT that low, but Flavia shows that is wrong.  God, I hope that she pulls through this.

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