Thank you!  Let me ask you this - I am sort of on my own - I have no one
really helping me do anything - I pay all the expenses with my pay check
from my job - on a bookkeeping process, do I have to donate my pay check
to my "sanctuary" to get tax break - or how does it work?  Does the
board of directors have to reside in the same country - what's the
minimum number of peoples who need to be on the board besides myself -

Again, do you have to be adopting out animals to be qualified? Or are
you going to be punished for it?  Does this status have anything to do
with animal services division by any chance (I am trying to stay away
from them as much as possible) - 

Thank you!
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: non profit status

as far as i am concerned, the advantages FAR outweigh the
disadvantages. you have to do real bookkeeping, keep records, have a
board of directors, have quarterly meetings, and get a certain amount
of your funding from the public.

most people consider it a huge pain to go through the application
process, and others absolutely hate keeping records. neither are
difficult, just time-consuming. some of us LOVE doing bookkeeping and
taxes (well, you've always known i was a little odd, so this shouldn't
surprise any of you!)--just find one of us to work with you!

there is a yahoo group called, i believe 501(c)3Help, that i know a
lot of folks have joined and worked with during the process. i'm SURE
there are archived discussions there about reasons for and against!

personally, as a bookkeeper for 40 years, i think it is MUCH easier
and far better in the long run to do everything legally and correctly,
whether you go for a 501(c)3 or not--ie, sales tax stuff, income
reporting, etc--that way, no one can ever come back on you and say,
"we think an organization of your type should have made $xxxx last
year---prove to us you didn't."


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ICQ: 289856892

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