Hi Paul,
I do remember Misha. I answered your post pretty extensively and we never heard back from you. Did you get the info I sent? You should wean Misha off dry food. I know the vets are brainwashed about Science Diet foods, but they are very low in quality and terrible for a cat with IBD symptoms, (chronic diarrhea being a symptom). Any quality wet food would be better for Misha than dry. Please consider switching her food to a canned food, preferably without grains or vegetables in the ingredient list. I'm not clear on the different ways that Interferon and TF work to bolster the immune system. Interferon is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies that helps with immune defense. The human interferon, (Interferon A), is available from your vet.
Here's the info I've posted before on TF:

Transfer Factor is suppose to be an 'immune balancer' that is taken from
cow's colostrum, they also use something in chicken yolks.  The idea is
to "educate" an immature or imbalanced immune system to bring it into
balance and help it ward off illness.  I'm not even sure if it works,
but according to the studies I've read, it hasn't had any ill effects,
even when amounts used are many times higher than recommended.  There
have been good reports about general health, (shiny coat etc.) from some
of the folks I know who are using it.  There are several different
formulas for people and animals.

Here's a link for info about Transfer Factor:

Here's the ordering info:

The phone number for the company is: (888) 454-3374.  I got it from
Sally, (Sally Foster -- dist #6042525) one of my FeLV list members.
There's a website link below, you might want to check out, but they
don't have their order page encrypted, so it's safer to order over the
phone.  When I ordered I used Sally's name because she's registered as a
distributor, I don't know if it got me a better price or not.

The wholesale price on the products from the most recent list I have is:
Transfer Factor Classic -- 90 caps/$37.95
Transfer Factor Advanced Formula -- 60 caps/$39.95
TF Plus Advanced Formula -- 60 caps/$54.95
TF Feline Complete -- 60 - 2 grm. servings/$35.95
Animal Stress Pack -- 7 - 2 oz.packets/$48.95

www.4life.com <http://www.4life.com>

Paul Jr wrote:

I vaguly remeber a website about Transfer Factor can
someone point me int he right direction? Also what is
the diffrence between giving an FELV+ cat Interferon
vs. Transfer Factor? If anyone remebers I asked about
Misha, my darling skinny calico, who is almost 7 years
old and FeLV+ and on Science Diet I/D dry cat food and
has on/off ( alot on, runny bowels).  Thanks for your

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