Thanks Michelle,
My fiv cat didn't have yeast, just yucky ears.  Nothing really helped as far as making it 'go away' permanently.  I just had to clean, clean, clean.  I've only dealt with yeast infections with dogs' ears and they smelled horribly!
Still, there is no infection type smell at all.  I have to take Shaft in for a recheck urinalysis next week and I'm going to change the appointment to just take miss DD in with him so her ears can be checked to see if there is anything that needs to be treated.  Right now I'm cleaning every other day with mineral oil.  If it happens to be earmites mineral oil usually kills them.  If it's not I don't think it can hurt anything.

   Yeast infections in ears do not smell, at least not to me. I did not smell anything with the two of mine who had them.
In a message dated 7/6/05 12:56:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thanks Michelle,
I hadn't thought about a yeast infection, but  I've dealt with them in dogs. I have allergies myself and can't smell things that well, but I would definitely smell a yeast infection! I was thinking about the immune thing as well.  The other 2 cats that had goopy ears are older cats.  One of them was the one who had been on the zythromax for bartonella with gum infections and the other is the older cat who's always had allergy problems and has the urinary infection.  So anyway, the point of all that is I think it does have to do with their immunity being down.  :(

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