Thank you very much for responding with some suggestions for Sally's little babies. Three of the four kittens have already passed. The fourth is not doing very well either. It's so heartbreaking. She has been giving subq fluids and assist feeding tiny amounts of formula every 20 minutes or so. The last little boy, Trevor is doing better at not vomiting the meds and formula back up, so she has hope that he might pull through.


Sorry to hear about the kitties. I have had some kittens that died from it. I have learned alot though. Kittens can overcome panleuk, but they have to be kept very hydrated. I would get a bag of fluids and small needles from the vet, and administer subcutaneously just between the shoulder blades. Also, a great product to use for any dehydrated cats and kittens is Pedialyte (unflavored, of course). Just syringe it orally as much as they can tolerate and repeat, repeat, repeat. With panleuk, as well as intestinal parasites, the kittens usually wind up dying from dehydration, not the actual problem. Also, feed them cooked steamed rice with chicken or turkey broth. Baby food is good too, but be careful not to buy baby food with onion powder in it. Please tell her to get her other cats vaccinated. Good luck, hope this helps.

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