I'm so thrilled to hear Buck has rallied! Hooray! I feel like paying your vet a visit and giving him a well placed kick in his behind. Unless he has changed his mind about how to "treat" a FelV kitty, I'd take Belinda's advise and find another vet. I'd never trust him again to make decisions about Buck's care otherwise. Doesn't it just burn you up? Even when these kitties prove the vets wrong they still talk about pts as the best option! Aaarrggh! Give Buck and that wonderful husband of yours a squeeze from me!


Thanks everyone for your prayers and good wishes for Buck. Much to my and the Vets surprise Buck came home this morning and he seems to be doing fine. The first couple of days I had to go to the Docs to feed him, he want eat for anyone but me. They put him on Hill's S/D dry and he loves it. I could never get him to eat anything but Fancy Feast at home. I'm so surprised that he likes it, I never had a cat who would eat it. They don't recommend PU surgery for him because of his felv. The Vet said we should pts,but my husband said no way not without a fight. I'm so glad he stood his ground because Buck is acting like his old self again. If we had listen to docs we would have pts 12 yrs ago. The Vet said he can't guarantee that he want block again, but I will do everything I can to try to prevent it. I have a lot of research to do on diet, because I've always been told dry food is not good for kitties who have blocked and giving Buck medicine is like trying to sand paper a tigers behind. I can't even get him to let me give him water. He is not a feral but he sure acts like it if you try to put anything in his mouth. He weighs 16 lb. now down form his usual 20 and still very strong. So any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again everyone. I don't know what I would do without this list and all the wonderful people on it. Sheila, Buck and the gang.

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