Hi Everyone,
Kerry Roach has been writing me off-list about Bandy's condition, I know she could benefit from the group and I'm trying to get her used to writing directly to the list. I've told her I'm going to forward our correspondence to you guys so you can help too! This is the first of two that I'm going to send. Hopefully Kerry will get the hang of this and start sending stuff on-list, she needs more than just my help with her sweet Bandy!

Kerry & Bandy wrote:
Bandy's temp up again Tue:

Hi Nina,
I am so stressed about lil Bandy's temp going up and down..
It was 105.4 again today..I can almost always tell without even taking it because of the way he acts..He got another 1/2cc of dex today and it brings it right down...He went back to eating and seem to feel better..My vet said we are going to try 1/4 baby aspirin every 3 to 4 days...His infection seems to be cleared so this is baffling me..She keeps saying it is the inflammation process that goes along with his troubles...because it goes down as soon as he receives a shot and stays down for several days...He went almost a week last time before it went up..I will post this again at the group to see if anyone else has ever had this problem.. She said we will coninue the antibiotics for 4 to 6 wks.. Also, she called to get the papers for the FDA..She hasn't heard from them yet, but I guess we will soon..I also received an email from someone on the FIV list who has an FIV+ since 1993. He said we can have the omega interferon in as soon as 2 wks...He emailed me a form to use going thru abbeyvet...
Hope all your kitties are doing good...and we will keep you posted...
I have read alot the last couple of days and you are right...lots of knowledge in the group, very nice people...
Kerry and Bandy

Nina wrote:
That's very scary about Bandy's temp going up again like that. Did you ask your vet about "Delta Albaplex"? How about Immuno-Regulin? I'm not saying either of these is the answer, but you should discuss them with your vet. I think you may need a specialty vet, (a certified Internist). The fact that your vet keeps saying it's the Felv or FIV that's directly causing the fever makes me wonder if she knows what the heck she's talking about, of course, I don't know much about FIV. She sounds like a wonderful vet, and she's doing all she can to help Bandy, but I don't think she has the expertise that Bandy needs. If you could afford one visit to a specialist, it might make a difference. How long has Bandy been on Dox? Is he taking it twice a day? How long have you had him on Baytril? The steroid shots he's getting are relieving his temp symptom, but only temporarily, and you are doing damage to his immune system with their continued use. You don't have to be curt with your current vet, just tell her the people on your Felv list are suggesting that you see a specialist, then ask her for a referral. I'm still hoping the Dox will help and it just hasn't had time to kick in yet. It helps Grace in 3 or 4 days. You really should be posting all of this to the list! Maybe someone else will have a suggestion that will work, if nothing else, they're a great source of support when you're pulling your hair out, (or crying your eyes out) over something like this. I'm sorry, please remind me, did we talk about Transfer Factor?

kerry wrote:

I know I have thought about asking her to send us to someone...I have used an internal medicine spec. in the past, and she is very good too..You have to be referred, too..She treated Inky's mother for lymphosarcoma for almost a year..with good results for about 9 months.. This is the first time it has gone up in over a week.. He has had 3- 1/2cc dex shots in the last 3 wks I guess..when the fever has gone up..She wants me to give him 1/4 baby aspirin on Fri..if it is up again but not before..I can tell by the way he acts most of the time when it is up..I can't take it rectally at home, he hates it..I am going to get one that goes in the ear..Have you ever used one like that? About the aspirin..that can only be done every 3 to 4 days.. Today after he had the shot, he starting eating and was back to his old self...I don't understand it, but she did say she doesn't think it is the infection, but inflammation cause he responds so well when he gets the shot.. He has been on dox once a day since Sat..so he has had 4 doses..and he has been on Baytril almost continually since July 18 or 25, I can't remember...He has been on so much since the middle of June. He is only getting Baytril once a day now too..I give him dox first part of the day and baytril at night..Wonder if I should switch that? He ate good tonight...I sneaked a look thru the window at them and he was eating some dry food..

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