Just curious do you have any idea who this lady is?

I just want to make everyone aware about the lunatics out there. There are people (bunchers) who are on the lookout for free animals, some make a living getting animals for free and then turn around and sell them to labs for 30 to 50 dollars, nice profit if you get 2 or 3 free animals a day. Then you have the fighting people who love getting free animals to train their dogs with, nice way to die, being torn to bits by a vicious dog. Or maybe the last thing you'll see and feel is someone's pet snake choking the life out of you and eating you whole. You could be lucky enough to end up in a cage until sacrifice day and then get you head cut-off, or have your gut cut open and bleed to death all in the name of some horrible cult religion.

I am not making this up, it happens EVERYDAY, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not give any animal away for free, yes it may bet lucky and end up in a wonderful home but it may end up suffering horribly before being put out of it's misery by dying.

Opps, I forgot the ever popular ending up in a laboratory having ungodly things done to it until it has outlived it's usefulness and finally allowed to die.

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