Dear Michelle
Great to hear that Bramble is enjoying his food---AND eating on his own now. He's obviously benefiting from your strength---I can't tell you how much I admire you, Michelle, for signing up for a parachute jump for the donkey sanctuary. I CAN tell you however that that's one of the three P's I've always feared most in life (the other two being pregnancy--too old now--and public speaking!).
Yep, you'll see me sprouting wings before you see me parachute--I'm way, way too much of a coward.
You go girl! 
And let us know how it goes!
(Since I happen to have a British checkbook, let me know where to send you a donation (and give me an idea on the average donation so I don't embarrass myself!)
Good luck--we're all cheering you on from across the pond!
And big hugs to Bramble.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 4:31 PM
Subject: Bramble update

Today Bramble would only tolerate 25ml of syringe feeding but he ate a full tin of Purina Gourmet complemetary food along with a few complete food biscuits a little complete food kitekat meat - all on his own. Fingers crossed he carries on this way. My mum is on cat care duties for most of tomorrow as I'm out parachuting to raise money for a donkey sanctuary - getting jittery - first time parachuting - 3500 feet. Been scheduled a long time.
Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel & Buddy

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