Hello Michelle,
I can't express my sadness at hearing that our sweet Bramble's time had finally come. How bittersweet that the bond you share enabled you to understand so clearly that he was ready. Thank you so much for allowing us all to share in the miracle of your time together. I hope it brings you some comfort, along with the many comforts of having known him must bring you, that he has saved so many cats from experiencing the dangers associated with topical flea treatments. In the past I would be hesitant to use them, but I will never again be tempted when a cat is ill, old, or has any chance of puncture wounds. Thank you Angel Bramble, thank you Michelle, from all of us. My thoughts and love are with you in your grief. Much love to you, Minstrel and Buddy,


My dear boy Bramble was put to sleep about an hour ago. I mentioned yesterday that he started to get very stressed with syringe feeding despite trying to be as calm as possible for him. But aside from that - he was drinking excess so I wondered about this kidneys failing, he went a bit wobbly and very depressed, started to waste and started to hide for last two days. I kept bringing him out to cuddle him but he was so sick. After going through FIV before and knowing how much of a fight Bramble has had for the last 2-3 years with FIV related symptoms I knew that this was the rihgt time for him to go - he was telling me that he had had enough. When I was last really concerned about him I spoke to him and explained that I love him and really want to help him but that if he had had enough and wanted to leave his body here that it was ok and he could stay in spirit - he got very uncomfortable about this and along with signs I had got from praying etc.. I felt he wanted to stay and we kept fighting - this time I spoke to him and he just purred and nuzzled me - he lifted his head up and kissed my mouth - and gave me a little need as if to say I've had enough now please help me. His affection and kneading was different this time is was very much a cry for help and comfort. I planned to take him to the vets tomorrow but he was getting more lathargic by the minute so today I phoned and thankfully his usual vet was in. Today he cuddled up to me for about 90 minutes before we went to the vet and I was telling him about what would happen - he clung on to me and put his paw i my hand and was the most content I've seen him for a while - it was as if he knew it would be our last time together. The vet did her best to try and find something that was treatable whilst I stood sobbing away (she was fighting tears too as she got a bit attached to Bramble) and then said that one of his kidneys had enlarged quite a lot which was not the case when he was there about a week ago -she agreed she thought it was time and so I asked for a sedative for him first. He reacted strongly to that and vomited which I haven't seen before but eventually after fighting it for a while calmed down and lay on his fluffy blanket -I kept telling him iy was ok to go to sleep. After he was put to sleep I covered him up with his head and paw sticking out and he looked snug and peaceful - I gave him lots of kisses and told him to come home whenever he wanted to - and to go and find my last cat Tidge at rainbow bridge until I get there. Once injected he passed quickly and peacfully. I couldn't put him through anymore - he had mentally given up so I had to help him go. Never gets any easier and heart breaking every time - but I am happy that everything was done for him in the end and happy that he is no longer in pain because I know he was starting to be in pain. It was worth taking him from the sanctuary for the short 4 months or so we had - he was a special little man and a very brave one. I will stay a group member though as I still have Minstrel and Buddy Michelle

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