Aww Patti, I was so very saddened to hear about your beloved Felix passing! I know how much you love him. You loved him enough to think of his welfare over your own feelings of loss. You put him first, because you knew he would be better off somewhere else. Such an unselfish thing to do. Now it must feel like you've lost him all over again. But of course, we know that's not true. Now he's free. Free to be healthy, whole, strong and young again. Free to be by your side. Oh, my heart aches for what you have been going through. You're one tough lady to dive back into rescue. I know all the little ones that need you, including those goldfish, are grateful that you've found the strength to do what you are called to do. Doesn't that tell you something, that even goldfish in need find their way to you? Bless you Patti, and thank you so much. Thank you for being brave enough to jump back into the fray.

I know you'll be able to help Charity see that some humans are worthy of trust. Be patient, give her the time and space she needs. Please write me off-list if you want to brainstorm about her. When we have the opportunity to introduce these neglected angels to a life of love and safety, it's a blessing to us, as well as them. All they've ever know is rejection and fear and now she has you! She'll change your life, just wait and see. Such a sad story about the transport babies! I recently wrote the following to Gloria about her little Sunshine and the heartbreaks of rescue. The words seemed to come 'through' my heart, rather than merely 'from' it. Does that make sense? It's like the words had a source other than just me. I'm hoping it will bring you comfort too:

> Sometimes I wonder just how many tears one woman can shed. You know, usually I say it's the successes that keep me going. The ones that make it to wonderful forever homes, the ones that miraculously regain strength and health. But, you know what? The faces of the fragile little angels that come to me too late, the ones that seem so happy for the short time of being loved and cried over and cuddled, the ones that are so grateful for an afternoon lying in the peaceful sunshine... The ones that never stay long enough, but leave such an impression on my heart, those babies keep me going too. It's all about love and connection, the amount of time in love has nothing to do with the depth of our emotion and spiritual growth. These special souls sent to touch us, even if it's only a heartbeat of time, tell me to muster the strength to go on. I'm doing what I should be doing, and so are you. >

I'm praying for fragile little Ellen, Moonshade and Taylor to rebound and gain health and vigor. Bless you and all those in your care.
Much love,


My heart goes out to all of you who have lost a furbaby. There have been too many names added to the list, so sad. I have not been very active in posting since I moved and I have had my hands full myself. But I have tried to keep up with reading posts. Belinda,
Please add my Felix to the next CLS.
I have been contacted by the hospice that he passed peacefully, apparently while sleeping.( I'm sorry to be so late with this, he passed July 2. (He was non-positive ~ CRF) Also, please add 2 little kittens that passed during/after a "transport gone awry". Long story, but I intervened in a transport (HORROR!!) from a southern shelter and was presented w/ a small, female kitten, deceased en route 8/16. I had her cremated and gave her the name, "Angel", as she was a furangel already.
I also took four other kittens, and went immediately to vet.
Sadly enough, Tyler passed 8/18, quite suddenly, we suspect distemper was the probable cause for the deaths from this transport....... Ellen, the very sick kitten, (1.3 lbs., in this state it is illegal to release a kitten under 2 lbs.!!), is hanging on, but we are taking it day by day. But she tested neg. on first Felv test...... The other two kittens, Moonshade & Taylor appear to be doing better, they have vet appt. tom'w. for thorough exam & testing. Would you please add Felix, Angel & Tyler to the next CLS?
Also, add little Ellen, Taylor & Moonshade to the prayer list???
Also, please add Charity, a non-pos feral mom I trapped (was dumped w/ her 2 kittens). She is non pos, as are her kittens, but please pray that my attempts to "socialize" her will be successful..... And that I find good homes for her babies, Timothy & Thomas, who have turned out to be little love-muffins. :) Thank you so much, and I am sorry this is so long, but like I said, I've had my hands full since my move. Once again, my prayers go out to all that have lost a beloved baby.
In my heart I know we all will be reunited one day........
Hugs to all,

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