Nina thank you for.........

Please try to get a hold of your emotions. I completely understand about tearing up at just the thought of losing him, I really do get it. It's easier said than done, but those strong panicky emotions don't help anyone. Put the energy into resolving to fight for him to recover! Do your best to not mourn him before he's gone. He's still here, right beside you, (well, okay at this point he may be hiding under the bed!). Enjoy each moment you have with him still in the physical. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, square your shoulders and commit to him and yourself to do everything you can to help him. What else can we do?<<<<<<<<

What a wonderful message, you got me back on the "Sane" path again........Still having a problem with the feeding and I must admit hubby and I get hit with most of the food (Kitty is a head shaker) but we are still trying and giving him lots of love, as usual. But explain to him what we are doing and if he could help us. But he has a look in his eyes that says, "In Your Dreams" but we will keep trying.

The Ophthalmologist told us that he has Active Uveitis, but wants to hold back the prednisone from his eyes for now, unless of course that the eyes change for the worst. 2 yrs ago he ended up with 5 Corneal Ulcers, she said she was sure they were cause by taking prednisone orally and using it at the same time in his eyes. I know there may be no other way, it is such a catch 22 with Kitty having the FELV, but as I said Nina she wants to wait about a wek to see if the oral meds kick in and also help his eyes. She asked me to keep my eye on him for any changes in the eyes.

My own Vet will be back on the 8th of this month so I will get Kitty back there and get a real good check up, then we will be going back to the ophtho in 2 weeks, now during this waiting period I must get the food into my wee boy. Spoon, finger, syringe what ever works.

Thank you for all your help Nina, and especially for the shake into reality.

Your friend Lisa.

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