has anyone suggested prophyphol? I love it for serious anesthesia risk cats. 
Date: 2005/09/14 Wed PM 02:10:13 EDT
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Need advice

That's interesting and I am filing that information. Thanks. But her teeth 
are not loose at all, and apparently the roots of the canines are very very 

In a message dated 9/14/2005 11:21:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
Hi Michelle,

Do Patches teeth appear to be loose at all?  Ketamine might be a way to go 
without the risk of general anesthesia as long as the extractions don't require 
actual surgery.

Chappy (FeLV+) was neutered under Ketamine; I didn't want to risk GA with 
him, but I felt he was really being stressed by being sexually intact.  He was 
fine with the procedure; he was symptomatic and I did ultimately lose him, but 
he had no problems tolerating Ketamine.

Bleau had an abcessed tooth pulled under Ketamine; he's negative and the 
tooth was very loose.  The Ketamine doesn't keep them out too long and so for a 
procedure that is under about 15 minutes, it might be something to consider.  



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