My two dear Kerrys, Thank you for letting me know you're thinking of us. I've been assist feeding the "chicken tonic" every hour, hour and a half. I'm also following a holistic remedies plan set up by Darla that's keeping me tapping little amber bottles all day long. Gracie still isn't eating on her own, but she is showing more interest today. She even took a lap or two when I put some ProPlan sardines and crab meat down in front of her a little while ago. I can tell her stomach is bothering her, (not surprising since she hasn't eaten on her own for a few days now), I'm hoping it isn't something more than that. I did try using Cypro transdermal for appetite stimulation, it didn't help. I also gave her a dose of Reglan for her cramps, it didn't seem to help her discomfort. Maybe I'll up the Slippery Elm I'm mixing in the chicken tonic.

I'm pleased to report she has started to perk up emotionally. She even jumped from her chair onto the bed tonight while I was changing the sheets. She wasn't able to 'help', (well, hinder, really), as much as she usually does. All she could do was play 'lump 'o kitty' under the sheet as I lifted it over her again and again. She couldn't pounce, and didn't move, but I watched her face and she was attentive and engaged. Tonight I'm hopeful again. Thank you for your well wishes and prayers,

Kerry Roach wrote:

Hi Nina,
I am so sorry to hear that little Gracie is having a bad time...Have you tried the appetite stimulant oxazepam transdermal...It does work good on Bandy...I also use the old formula sometimes of white karo syrup, egg yolk and can milk..also can add some high protein baby cereal to it if you want...have even added some nutrical to it at times...Also, in the past have used clam juice on top of some food...Some of my cats just don't like fishy things and others do..Chicken broth works sometimes, too...Lately to get Rascal to take his pills, I put them in some a/d and top it with baby food beef cause I can't pill him, he gets too stressed. If I think of anymore I will send them to you. I do hope she will rally soon. I know how it is when they won't eat...You and Gracie are in our thoughts and prayers...Like everyone has said, and I guess we all know this...just one day at a time..
Take care,
Kerry, Bandy, Little Rascal and the rest of the crew

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