Anyone that would like to contact this person for ideas or advice please do.  :(

Jessica Gullett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ellen Najjar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Jessica Gullett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:17:13 -0400
Subject: [GeorgiaAnimalWelfare] OT: advice about feline leukemia positive cat

Hi!  I need some advice, and I thought the collective wisdom of the listserve was a good place to start.  To make a long story short, I  know someone with a cat who recently tested positive for feline leukemia and this person wants rid of her cat...she says the cat is annoying but she "doesn't want it dead."  As you can see, she's not exactly a sensitive, devoted pet owner (nor is she my friend just for the record).  Since she already has such an awful attitude about her cat, I don't think educating her about the disease is going to do much good--nor do I think she would have any interest in learning about it.  She apparently sees her options as either 1) putting up with a cat she doesn't like (which obviously won't make a happy life for the cat and I would hate to think how she will treat the cat when and if it starts to show symptoms of the illness) or 2) having the cat euthanized--which she claims she doesn't want to do, but she doesn't like the cat. 
Does anyone know of any place or anyone who can take in a cat with feline leukemia?  Has anyone had a cat with the illness that can relay to me some personal experiences?  I basically want to break the issue down for her in layman's terms as much as possible--someone who has such a bad attitude about an innocent, ill animal is probably not going to sit down and sift through the scientific data I've found on the internet.
Any advice would be very very much appreciated!!!

"When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal.  When he destroys one of the works of God we call him a sportsman."  ~Joseph Wood Krutch

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