What is best?
Two weeks ago our fourteen-year-old cat Stinky started to isolate herself and than began to lose weight and refuse most food offers.  We took her into the veterinarian and he found she has anemia.  The anemia is apparently very bad and the veterinarian ran a FeLV ELISE and the result was a "very faint positive."  The veterinarian is sending out of his office a sample to confirm this very faint positive result.
We are facing FeLV and are unsure how best to proceed.  The veterinarian has recommended a blood transfusion for our cat but, little else was mentioned.  What can we do and how long do these transfusions work, if they work at all?
Where do we turn to find the best information and how do we know the best treatment options for her symptoms?  We want her to be with us for as long as she can but, do not want her to be here if it is too painful for her.  We love her and want her to stay with us but, only if she is happy and feeling better.
Stinky's Mom and Dad

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