Thank you Steph for your kind words -
I am sorry that you haven't been able to findd peace with lose of your
baby - I can so relate, Steph, Everyone I lost, I have some regret - but
there are particulary a couple of I lost, Suzi, Henry and George...I
still cry.. because of things that I did to them or did not to them - I
so wish I did things differently......and Henry has passed over two
years ago, and Suzi has passed a year and half and a few weeks for

I am not sure if you believe in.. maybe you can talk to your baby via AC
to see how she is doing....

I have recently spoke with George via my AC- and he is doing even better
- he is very happy where he is and whom he is with .. and he is working
on forgiveness towards me for things he did (he really is not angry but
he also wished that things were different with me..)



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steph E
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
> I am in Albuquerque, NM

Too far for me to physically be any good! I'm in North Carolina, though 
I am coming west this winter to visit family.

You've been in my thoughts often lately with your troubles. I can't 
bring myself to post much, no time lately (I work two jobs and have one 
FELV+ and one FIV+ a rescue horse and two healty horses), and I'm 
struggling with a kitty I lost last year that I'm not at peace with 
losing her, still after 10 months her death haunts me. I think it's a 
combination of exhaustion, depression, and she was my favorite of my 

I hope all goes well and they let you keep all your furbabies.


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