Dr. Glickstein, out of Philly, comes to Lancaster area and does pro bono for our shelter.
He is a vet. opth.
For our Felv+ and FIV+ guys who had a HORRIBLE time w/ the Herpes virus in the eyes, he Rx'd Zithromax and used that in conjunction w/ the intranasal/intraocular FVRCP.
I am trying to remember the exact protocol, it's been awhile.
I remember, initially administering intraocular drops, then cats went on "Z" SID for 28 days, then re-administered intraocular.....
I had the treatment charts on my PC, unfortunately, that got a "virus" and I still have not recovered my files...
I just remembered it worked, and we used ONLY triple AB opth. drops W/OUT steroids BID.
Sorry I can't be more help.

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