Title: Message

>>>I'm sure her immune system needs to be helped.<<<

Hello again Lohna,

Re your comment above, one of our experienced members, Michelle, highly recommended Immuno regulin (IR) to me, when my Flavia began to succumb to nonregenerative anemia.  Following is some info on IR----it's a number of emails rolled into one that I haven't yet had time to organise into one coherent report. But if you can get past that, I think you'll find it contains some very useful info and contact details.

Good luck. Keep us posted on Kittypoo when you get time. Kerry


Revival's tel no is 800 786 4751. (Revival is the supplier I used.)

While I sadly did not order the Immuno regulin in time to be able to use it, the Revival people were good to deal with and the IR arrived at both vet clinics that I had it sent directly to when it was supposed to (ie overnighted by Fedex). I had never ordered it before and neither vet had ever used it but they were both very positive about doing so and liaised with me about the protocol/how much to use---it comes with directions in any case (although I haven't seen those because it's at the clinics).

At least I now have it on hand should Mickey (or the NJ FeLV kitty I will be getting soon) need it.

Here's also a copy of the relevant excerpts of what I emailed to Dr Dodin who was going to be administering the IR

Dear Dr Dodin

Here are the 3 articles that give background on Immunoregulin for FeLV cats.

(It is given by IV.) I placed an order with Revival Animal Health this morning for 5ml of ImmunoregulinEqstim, and it will be shipped today, overnighted to Abell, marked for your attention, so should be there tomorrow (Wednesday). It will come in a "Polar" box, and will need refrigeration when it arrives.

(They said a cat of 8lb is administered between 0.25 and 0.5 ml each time.)

There appear to be 2 possible protocols--4 times in first 2 weeks, then once a week till stabilized, then monthly recommended thereafter for maintenance; OR once a week. Please let me know what you think is best for Flavia once you've had a chance to consider.





This archived site is also worth looking at--an email from a web list member, Kyle, who had researched and used IR.


Many thanks again,

Kerry M.


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