Just a comment on the vet doing a test with all the blood combined.  It is often done this way in order to save the client money.  If the test is negative - over 90% are -  you haven't wasted the money for individual tests.  Since the test was positive, perhaps he should have then suggested individual tests. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Nina
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: FELV + kittens

I just wrote the following to Lori direct..  I said pretty much the same things you did!  I hope she joins the list.  I'm in CA, but in So Ca.  I'm praying for her and those babies!

Hi Lori,
I'm on Tonya's felv list, (btw you should join, if you want to help those kittens: ).

First of all, thank you so much for rescuing these babies!  I'm not sure how you'll be able to give them up, (allergies, or no allergies), after being accepted as a furless mom! 

I'm confused as to why your vet would mix the blood samples when testing.  It is not necessarily so that every kitten in the litter will turn up positive, just because one does, or because their mom does.  I rescued a litter of felv bottle babies and one of them tested negative, one hasn't been tested, but has remained asymptomatic for 2 years.  So if one of them is testing positive, you're dooming both without really knowing if they both are.  You can't know for sure if these guys will continue to test positive until they're older, especially with a "weak positive" result.  I understand the shelter's position, they don't have the room for healthy kittens and cats, let alone those that might have a serious problem.  Please join our list!  You'll meet so many wonderful, knowledgeable people who can assure you that these guys are worth saving!

It doesn't sound like your vet has a lot of experience with felv, (at least not from his testing procedure).  You need to find someone, if he's not, that's willing to work with you.  The first thing I'd do is ask about Interferon A, it will help boost their immune system.  There's also something called Transfer Factor that might help with that.  Instead of the KMR, if you could make them homemade formula, it would be much better for them.  I'm attaching a recipe in case you're interested.
Please let us know what you decide.  I'm pulling for those babies and for you!

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