
I'm sorry to read this.  At least Eduardo is home and you don't have to
worry about him.  Maybe the specialist will have some ideas.  Enjoy the
time you have with Mandy and Wink.


--- Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> I had some time off from work over the last couple of weeks and it's
> been terribly bittersweet.  Eduardo finally came home; thinner and
> 'talking' a mile a minute.  He was VERY happy to see me (he was gone
> over 2 weeks) but spooked about going into the house.  I finally did
> get him into the garage after about the 4th day of our 9 day rainfest
> in the northeast, and I'm obviously thrilled to have him home.
> Mandy is starting to go downhill; she is going in tonight for another
> depo shot.  I'd been giving her Cat's Claw and Pau D'arco with some
> aloe juice in her purees.  She has lost a good bit of weight and is
> having more and more trouble swallowing.  She follows me everywhere
> and cries to be petted and is still working out on the scratching
> post.
> Wink's biopsy came back and she has cancer in the glands of her ear. 
> Her balance is becoming affected and she needs a very specialized
> kind of surgery, if the cancer has not spread.  She's going in
> tonight as well for evaluation.
> I am trying to get them a referral to New England Veterinary
> Oncologists this week, but I'm afraid it could be too late for Mandy.
>  I was told her prognosis was very poor and the surgical options I
> was given just didn't seem that they would give her a quality life. 
> I want Wink  see an oncologist and let an expert determine the extent
> of the cancer before we make a decision about whether we should
> subject her to this surgery,  so I want to take Mandy, too, just in
> case....
> Last night, Mandy sat on the bed with her paws on my shoulder while I
> read, and Wink sat on my chest.   My precious little girls; I can't
> believe that I will be without them.  I feel broken.
> I'm trying to catch up on mail and I send hugs to everyone.
> Think a good thought for my girls.
> Love, Julie
> "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
>  to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " 
> "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged 
> by the way its animals are treated."
>  Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
> Paws Come WITH Claws!!!
> If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think
> your decision to acquire a pet.
> ---------------------------------
>  Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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