Patches has occasionally been coughing for about a week. I had noticed it a few times a day, now I do not notice it at all during the day but am woken up by it about once per night. It sounds like a hairball but nothing comes up (and when she gets hairballs she vomits, has never coughed before). Other than that she seems fine.  I have been doing research and see that coughing at night could be from heart disease, and I think my new vet said she detected a heart murmer. I am thinking about getting her checked. I hate to over-intervene with my positives though, due to stress factor if it turns out nothing is wrong. Have any of your cats had this symptom before and had it be nothing?
Lucy's bladder stone is bigger rather than smaller from the month on S/D and so is getting it removed surgically on Monday.  Please pray for her and send her good thoughts to get through the surgery easily and not get sick afterwards, as she is positive too.

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