PLEASE..... Instead of feeling guilty, give yourself a big pat on the back for ALL you do for your animals....
I find you amazing, really.
Right now, I only have 9 cats, (5 own, 4 fosters that'll prob. end up here permanently..LOL!). and 4 dogs and I am on SSDI, so not working, and I get overwhelmed at times!!
You are an amazing, loving, compassionate person ~ don't ever doubt that, and, once again, do NOT feel guilty.
Your heart is soooo BIG!!! You're a person to admire.....
You WILL make the "right" decision......
We all have doubts, wonders, guilt...it is normal, but it can cloud our judgements.
Don't let guilt interfere....follow your intuition & your heart & Ginger will be fine!
(Wish I was closer, you need a HUG!!!
Patti & The "Brats" (The loves of my life......)

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