Ebony Thomas Katt snarled and hissed at me the first year or so of the time we spent together.  He was 3 + years and totally feral.  blood and pus from the wounds he had ran down my legs (at first he was so weak I could touch him.)  I got him fixed up then tried to get him to leave (I didn't like cats at all).  Sixteen years later he died in my arms on New Year's Eve.  He had moved in with me, we moved to a new house together, he tolerated some pretty long absences (even though he had food and water provided daily, he didn't like it and let me know when I got home), irregular working hours and the addition of dogs to the house.  Understand that Charity is a very independent cat who will take over your life.  And will enrich it beyond belief.  You have to let her do this in her way.  Ebony went from very feral to being a house cat (although he had access to a 6 foot wide, 6 foot tall (and covered), 12 wide kennel any time he wanted it.  He went through a pet door in a window, into duct work, onto a platform and down a ramp--if he didn't sleep in the duct work or on the platform).  DO NOT push her or you may loose her.  Treasure her and give her the independence she demands.  You will be so glad you did.
---- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 5:09 PM
Subject: Charity is back in area!!!!!!

I am so, so excited!  Just got back home & spotted my dear, feral girl Charity in my neighbor's yard!
I quietly attempted to approach her, and for quite a few minutes she remained perched on the fence, just looking at me & listening to my words.
Then, the other neighbor's yipper dog started barking & she spooked, but is somewhere on neighbor's property.
And, I checked the outdoor "house" I made for her, and all the food was gone, the bed was slept in (could tell cause I put straw in house)....
AND, I almost cried when I saw she had carried "our feather plume" into the bed w/her!!
(This was the plume she "allowed" me to stroke her with.)
So, I put fresh food, water & her favorite, TUNA, in both her house & I left the barn door ajar and set up bedding, same food & litter box for her.
I debated trapping her again, but I don't want to spook her & scare ger away....I am so glad she is "home".
I hope I do get the opportunity to somehow get her in the barn, then I'll work on bringing her into the house..... However, if she "truely" wants to be an outside cat, there are many warm . dry places for her. (I put heat in the barn.)
So, everyone, thanks for your prayers & please pray she will stay.
I never thought I'd be so devastated over a cat who at first attacked me every chance she got.. But, somehow we "made a connection" & hopefully she is home for good!!
With Love from Charity too!!!!

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