Dear Kerrie,
I'm so happy Pookie has found a home with you!  TRY not to burn the candle at both ends because you'll just get run down!
In my experience, cats with kidney problems have difficulty gaining weight.  They undergo a number of metabolic changes and often one of the first outward signs of kidney problems is weight loss.  Is he on a special diet (generally low-protein w/low phosphorous, or addition of phosphorous binders)?  I think food often begins to taste differently to them; I've had CRF kitties just lose the appetite for their formerly favorite foods and want something else.  And, the other thing I've noticed is that while almost all the information from vets is to limit protein, they seem to crave it!  I choose to not use a special diet (unless them seem to like it!) and let them eat what they want.  I believe eating is a pleasure for them and adding a little time to a life that's made miserable by eating an unappetizing diet is not worth it.
I hope things calm down for you soon and I send the best wishes and big hugs to you and Pookie!  What does he think of the sub-q fluids?
Love, Julie

Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Apologies to all my dear friends for my absence in posting, which is likely to continue for another week (at least) due to temporary doubling of my workload to impossible level. Thankfully it's all in a good cause (Hurricane Katrina).
Please know I'm thinking of you all and praying for all your sick kitties, and I send my condolences to you for all those dear souls that have crossed the bridge.
The good news (albeit another reason I've been chasing my tail this week) is that I have a new (negative) foster kitty, 15-year-old Pookie. He's white with blue eyes. I have very little info on him ("deaf, kidney problem") but am directed to give him subQs every other day, or daily if nec. He seems happy enough, but he is SO SO thin--his weight isn't on his chart, but I figure 5 lb (his sex doesn't even seem determinate--chart says 'F" -- shelter director says "male"). I desperately want to fatten him up. I've had no time to research yet, apart from reading Frazier re the subQ, but any info wd be welcome on what I can do to help this little guy put some weight on. 
Hope to be back in the swim very soon.
love to y'all. Kerryxx

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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