You've been here a while and probably read this before...... but with my crf cat I gave him tons of wet food.  The more you water you can get in the better.  Also, mine loved to play in the water and would therefore lick it off his paws and drink more that way.  I would sometimes leave a sink dripping and he would sit in it and play with and drink the water.  One of those water fountains for cats helps with that too.  I know this doesn't address weight gain specifically, but if Pookly likes wet food better that will cause weight gain by eating more, plus be good for the kidneys.

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Julie, thank you so much for your reply---I've felt I'm working in the dark here as the medical records are so badly handwritten (and brief) and I have no idea how to decode his test result nos (apart from the dreaded HCT of course).
They instructed Wellness for him, which I'm pleased about and he def seems to like it.
I tried to weigh him on my kitchen scales last night but non possible! I wdn't be surprised if he only weighed 4 lb.
He's very good re the subQ--I make sure to warm the water first.
I SO want to help him--he is so bony and light (but otherwise seems fine--he's very curious, and, being deaf, is able to blithely ignore the growls of his new"buddies".
I keep him safe in my bedroom on his own while I'm at work---I don't trust one of my other rascals in particular

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