I have heard the same thing.  I know that my cat Ginger, though, who is positive and about 6 years old, was given an FeLV shot at the shelter before her test came back positive, accidentally.  She has had gingivitis problems but is the oldest and healthiest of the positives I have had (at least so far-- knock on wood!). I hate even saying stuff like that because I am so superstitious. Anyway, I would not intentionally vaccinate a positive for FeLV, but I just remembered about Ginger and so thought I would share.
In a message dated 10/17/2005 11:04:50 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My only experience with a FeLV+ cats getting the vaccine was scary.  One of
my adult cats (prob. 5-8 years old -- rescue cat so we were unsure of age)
was at the Vet's and without thinking, they gave him the FeLV vaccine.
Shortly thereafter, he started a downward spiral and it only got worse,
eventually (w/i 7 mos) I PTS.  Now, it could be a coincidence, but it made
me uneasy.  I have heard what you are saying, but until there is more info,
I doubt I would intentionally do that.  Maybe others have had a more
positive experience.

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