
I remember you (I think. :) You were Baby C's mom
right? The entire C-naming theme? lol. Forgive me if I
am incorrect.

I have the whole litter box thing covered. Wink-wink!
I had requested an Amniocentesis to rule out
Toxoplasmosis back when I was five (5) months (or
twenty (20) weeks) pregnant. 

My OB/GYN ordered a CMV (Cytomegalovirus) IgG & IgM.
The results were positive on ME for PAST exposure, but
the baby's results were negative.

A Toxoplasmosis IgG & IgM. The results were negative
for both me and the baby.

Finally a Triple Alpha-fetal protein screen which was

The Amnio was way cool! It is a darn shame that not
every woman has one (1) performed during her
pregnancy. It was so easy and completely harmless to
the baby! Those statistics are just there to scare
women out of getting an Amnio. It was no different
than getting your blood drawn in the arm. I had no
complications or side effects what-so-ever. The best
line of defense to any disease is early detection!

The flame warning was included in my post because my
last thread "Massive Spraying Issue" got a little out
of hand when Sally absolutely insisted that I
immediately contact an "animal communicator" regarding
my dilemma. I just did not want that result to
re-hatch itself on this thread.

I think I may have confused the group with my TAR
(Trap-Alter-Return) rescue work with my thirteen (13)
kitties! lol. I do NOT do foster care, because all of
my cats have contracted Feline Herpes from my beloved
FeLV positive kitty, Peeper, who passed away back in

LOL. So the number 13 that you all keep reading is the
actual number of PERMANENT cats that will forever be
in my family. LOL. Sorry if I did not properly clarify
that point.

But yeah. I just cannot bring myself to do anything
more than TAR and vaccinations (which is privately and
independently funded out of my own pocket) for fear
that I will spread the Feline Herpes.

As for the gliders. Well, they have a permanent and
forever home with us too. LOL. Yeah, I have quite a
zoo, but people tend to participate in glider-mills
and I just absolutely CANNOT have it! I won't!

So me and my husband rescue colonies from previous
owners (who would otherwise separate and sell to the
highest bidder) and have the ALL the males neutered.

It is a win-win situation for everyone involved. The
previous owners get a "adoption fee" FROM me, the
gliders NEVER get separated from their bonded family,
the males get immediately neutered (thus no more
unwanted pregnancies) and I get the satisfaction of
knowing that I took one (1) more colony off of the
street. Not only did I provided a safe, loving and
forever home for these exotics, but they will NEVER
know what it is like to be in a breeding mill-farm!

I would do the EXACT same thing for purebred cats if
we just had the house space. This one and a half story
cape cod only has so much living space.

It is just SO HARD for me to even CONSIDER the idea of
fostering, because even without the Feline Herpes, I
still would not be able to do it. I get too attached
to my babies and as many foster moms (and dads) can
confirm, we always wonder just HOW good of
pet-guardians can these applicants be!

I am sure that we all know the feeling that no one can
be a better cat-mom or cat-dad that us. Right?! lol.
Believe me, I can relate.

So yeah, I am trying to take it easy. The way I look
at it is this. The fur-kids keep me in shape! :)
Taking care of them, the litter boxes, aquarium, five
(5) foot glider cages, etc. will help me maintain my
ideal pregnancy weight and will also aid in losing it
when the baby gets here! Nice huh? LOL. Another
win-win situation! Thanks for the reply!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think I remember you. Wow that's a tough personal
choice. Be extra careful with litter boxes toxo is
deadly to a growing baby.

No flaming why would anyone flame you?

If you asked me when I was in my 20's having my kids
I would say no sweat, but now my best recommendation
is take in a lot fewer pets in case something goes
wrong and you have to lets say go on bed rest.

I have one foster who does moms with litters. She is
in her 6th month and needs to slow down. So she is
cutting back to one or two pups instead of large dogs
with large litters. 

If you need to talk been there done that had Belinda
make the tee shirt. LOL. Email me we will talk.

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