Thank you Sharon.  I am sorry to hear about your loss.
 What was your kitty's name?  

--- Sharon Siders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wendy,
> I don't post much anymore, since I lost my last FeLV
> kitty two years ago.  I still care deeply about all
> of you and your kitties though.  Please know that my
> heart goes out to you for we can all relate to what
> you are feeling.
> Sharon
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed
> away
> last night about 2:42 am Texas time. I am pretty
> torn
> up right now. I feel like such a dork because I
> carried his collar to work with me today. He had the
> feeding tube procedure done, but was just so anemic,
> that after the procedure, he couldn't get his
> breath. 
> For most of the night, I thought he was just having
> a
> hard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because
> he
> never really did and was having problems breathing,
> but the vet said his trachea probably got irritated
> from the procedure, and that he should be fine
> later. 
> He slept right next to me last night and about 2:20
> he
> woke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and
> took
> him to the living room because I knew something
> wasn't
> right. He died about 20 minutes later. I have asked
> God countless times to let me be there when Cricket
> passed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely
> (like he would be if I was at work and died). God
> honored that request, thankfully, but it was still
> very hard. My husband, nephew, and I will have a
> little ceremony this afternoon for him. I am glad
> that he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I
> know
> that I did just about everything humanly and
> financially possible, but it doesn't help. At least
> not right now. I am going to write him a little
> tribute to bury with him. He was such a wonderful
> companion. I will send a pic out of him later when I
> get home. Thank all of you SO much for helping me
> and
> Cricket through these last three and a half weeks. 
> Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stick
> around and help out anyone else I can even though I
> don't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to
> have
> my other two retested). God Bless each and every one
> of you.
> :)
> Wendy
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