Hi Wendy:
First, I'm so sorry about you losing Cricket.  I am also glad that you got
to be there with him for the end. I have always loved the name Cricket, and
meant to ask you why you named him that.

I named my little sweet pea Cricket because she is so shiny and black, yet,
in the bright sunlight, you can see very faint stripes of almost blue/black.
Her eyes are huge pools of gold.  She was so tiny when she was a kitten.
And she has a tiny little chirp for a meow.   She's still petite, but she
jumps unexpectedly far when she pounces, and always has.  It just seemed to
fit her perfectly.

Thank you so much for asking about my fuzzies.   All are well. Cotton goes
to the new vet on Saturday.  His diarrhea has cleared up, as well as his
ears.  Do earmites just go away?

I have been rereading the list and am trying to organize my thoughts to get
the most out of this visit with the new vet. I have been anticipating it
with ambivalence.  I hope this is a good vet who will work with me.


----- Original Message -----
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 3:13 PM
Subject: To Sandy

> Sandy,
> How are your furballs doing?
> :)
> Wendy
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