Yesterday and today, his temperature is back to normal, 101.5 ---- he is not 100% well or anything, he still does not eat, but he is definitely feeling better and he is definitely alive!!!


He moves around a little bit, too.. he can even jump on a couch (before he couldn’t even walk at all .. he would crawl… - he is still weak.. but if you see him on Friday, you will be shocked how much he improved!  I just never saw a cat who was that close to death, and made it through… I am just so proud of my boy.  Everyone, thank you for all your prayers, but please continue to pray for him as he is going to need it!  But I have to tell everyone,,,, don’t give up to soon, because a miracle could happen!  And I was this close to give it up!  My vet was just shocked that he recovered that much!


Also, Ruby-E, my feral girl is doing much better, she is a happy camper now, she eats better and play more – I am glad that I got her dental done after all.


And I got all 4 cats out of the pound yesterday whose owners are in jail as mentioned in the previous email – they got URIs from the pound, but now they are safe and sound --- I cried to see them again.






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