  I don't know if you were on the list when my Simon was sick, but he was so close to death that I and everyone else was sure he would die within hours-- could not even stand, had not eaten or drunk in days, jaundiced and with lymphoma not responding to chemo.  I gave him steroids but they did not seem to help.  I just stayed with him and held him, expecting him to die at any point.  And then in the middle of the night he sat up and wanted water, and then food, and then was running around the next day and able to get more chemo and he lived another month feeling pretty good.  I do not tell you this to scare you-- Garfunkel as far as I know does not have cancer so he may heal entirely and have much more than a month, God-willing.  But I am telling you this because everyone thought I should euthanize him when it seemed so obvious he would die, and I am glad I didn't and he got that extra month.  It really is impossible to know what will happen, and sometimes miracles do.

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