Yes, I've always loved your sleeping kitty too Patti!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:57 PM
Subject: Sandy ~ Sleeping Kitty

Sandy ~
Thanks.....the kitty is one of the few things I actually enjoy, compliments of AOL... LOL!
That little kitty looks like one of my first cats, Pee Wee. (I know, the name..., but it fit her so well. She was the runt in her litter & the ONLY short hair, so naturally she was "overlooked" & I just couldn't stand it, so I took her. And when the Three Mile Island episode hit here, I ended up getting one of her brothers, from an earlier litter. Their "guardian", and I use that term "loosely", dumped him & all her animals & went out to California!!!  However, her loss was my gain!)
Mr. Chow ("Mean 'Ole Mr. Chow", full name ~ who actually didn't have a mean bone in his body), was my first cat that I lost to Felv.)
Sadly, way back then there wasn't too much known about the disease.
My darling Pee Wee ("Pee Wee T. Cat" ~ full name), lived to be 18.
Gosh, talking about them is still hard, cause it doesn't matter how much time has passed, I miss them......

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