I did indeed get the email from you (about medical possibility/low
litter/new litter) thanks v. much and thought I replied but I bet
it's still in my outbox, I'll check tonight.
goes about once every 2 weeks outside the box. I haven't been able to detect a
pattern, BUT I thought I would start keeping notes and maybe that will give a
clue. He seems ok in every other way. Eating, drinking, picking fights
with Trixie, wanting attention, etc.
wonder if this throws any light: for years, I noticed that as soon as I came
home from work, every night without fail, Tiger would go to the box and do his
business. It was such a pattern that I asked my vet what he
thought. He gave me a wordy and (to my mind) jargon-laden explanation, the
gist of which I believe was, he's just very excited to see
remember Trixie, completely out of character for her, going outside the box poor
love when 4 members of my family stayed with me for a week. She must have been
totally stressed out, for this was the same fastidious Trixie whose
behavior mystified me way back in the early days when she used the
yucca plant instead of the box 2 days in a row until i realized *I* was the
problem---I'd put the litter box cover on back to front and she couldn't get to
believe it's stress-related with Tiger (he's on kitty Prozac). I don't think it
makes him happy at all that he has to share me with other cats and has never
been allowed to usurp Katyis (topcat in our house). I've always been at pains to
maintain the heirarchy. Tiger was third to arrive, so he has to wait his turn
after Katyis and Trixie for the petting etc.
-----Original Message----- Kerry,From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 11:31 AM To: Subject: Re: Cotton and Cricket Does Tiger always go in the same spot outside the box? If so, why don't you try putting an empty litter box, or one lined with newspaper, in the spot he likes to go? If that doesn't work, you could put plastic on the floor and then cover it with a washable throw rug, or towel. Maybe you can work your way up to getting him to use a box again. If he'll use a litterbox with newspaper lined flat, you could start to shred paper, and then mix it with litter and then finally, all litter. Talking to him about it certainly can't hurt, but I'm betting he already knows that you prefer him to use the box. Something else is going on here with this behavior. Did you get my last email about it? N MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: =00 IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. |
Title: Message
- RE: Cotton and Cricket MacKenzie, Kerry N.
- Kerry and Tiger Nina
- Re: Kerry and Tiger Dudes
- Re: Kerry and Tiger Nina
- Re: Cotton and Cricket Dudes