Denise, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Rose. Thanks for writing her story for us. Bless you for your wonderful care of her. Gloria

At 10:46 PM 11/20/2005, you wrote:
Thanks to all of you who have shared your experiences with your leukemia cats. This summer, we adopted our Rose from a Humane Society board member who had her
at his house in a cage with his other rescued cats.  Rose couldn't go to
PetSmart cuz she was "unadoptable" due to chronic boogers, yet she was super
friendly and my kids, my dog, and I just loved her to bits.

After she didn't get better on meds, I took her to the vet for THE test, and
sure enough it was positive.  Then, I joined this list to learn from you all.
Rose had a great, but brief, relatively healthy life for the rest of her time,
but then she went down hill quickly.

Thanks to your posts, and the vet's food and advice, I syringe-fed her AD and
H2O for a few days after the vet rehydrated her subQ.  Rose seemed happy again
for a little while, but her overly-dilated eye never went back to normal, so
the vet thought that the leukemia had affected her neurologically.

He was probably right, cuz by Friday, she was suffering, so I took Rose to be
put to sleep.  They couldn't find a vain on her, so they gave her an injection
interthoracically.  She lingered for a few moments in my arms as my dog and I
snuggled with her until she passed.

Thanks again for all your posts. I didn't post much myself, but I was comforted
by this group every day.

Now, if you will, please unsubscribe me until I can rejoin later to offer hope
and encouragement to others after I'm done mourning.


Denise in Utah

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