Firstly - Yes when people were kindly offering advice about nutrition and recipees for liver shakes etc - I was struggling with cans of fish - at arms length wrapping kitchen roll around it so I didn't get fish oil on me. My cats had to take medication in ready cooked sliced chicken because I can't handle it. I'd be in tears if I had to cook it. If it's sliced and diced I can just tolerate at arms length. If it looks like a bird or animal still or has blood then I can't touch it and can't cook it.
I am ok emptying a pouch of cat food but not much more - hopeless LOL.
Secondly - Thanks Jenn for mentioning again the dangers of revolution. If it hadn't been for all the help with Bramble over the revolution case then I wouldn't have got the last two months of his life with him. It certainly did nearly end his life earlier than need be.
Thirdly - Thanks all for stories of cat poo and dogs pinching bananas - i have been giggling away at these creatures looking so innocent but doing what they want. Animals are so amazing.
Finally - has anyone ever used the Dog Appeasing Ferimones. We just got one for our dog Candy. Since we lost Gemma she has been showing signs of anxiety and just started urinating at night in the kitchen which is not like her at all. She is constantly attention seeking too - gemma was the boss so I think Candy is now a little confused as her place in the pack has been shaken up. It's about 4 weeks since Gemma died and Candy still has the odd look around for her. just wondered if anyoe had used with their dogs and how long they took to work.
Michelle, Minstrel, buddy & Angel Bramble

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