Hi Sandy,

I don't think I've ever talked with you on the list before, but let me say welcome!  I'm an old timer here who mixes my cats and have not had a problem with it in ten years.  Not to say I never will, but I never have.

I wanted to ask you about the fish with rice.  Maybe your vet recommended it, but we always used chicken broth to cook rice in for sick kitties at the shelter.

Good thoughts coming your way for little Cotton.  I love that name!


Dudes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you Terri:
I will definitely look into Pet Tinic.  
I can tell by Cotton's restlessness and the look on his face most of today that he's still not feeling all that well.  He mostly seems to feel bad right after he eats.  I'm thinking he's still having some spasms in his intestines and nausea. But he's asking regularly for the faucet to be turned on so he can drink water, he's eating the fish and rice and I mixed in a little wet catfood today, which he kept down.  I started him on his Interferon, also. And he's been to the litterbox with normal results, so I'm just going to keep progressing slowly with his diet, and talk to the vet tomorrow about what we should do from here and possibly a kidney ultrasound.  It makes me realize that when he does change foods, he's going to need to do it really slowly. 
I'm still rooting for my little Cotton-ball.  He has such an expressive face, I can tell even when he's a shade off color. And I'm trying to teach my son Kellen to watch him closely too, since they spend so much time together.  That way he too will know the signs of illness.  And I know I probably over-reacted a bit when I found Cotton sick, but it so breaks my heart to see anyone in my care anything but happy.
Thanks for talking/listening to me about him.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: Cotton crisis

Well, definitely keep us posted -- I don't write in much (mostly lurk lately since I'm now FeLV free), but I can't bring myself to leave the group.
If he seems to be holding his own, maybe try some Pet Tinic if you can find it.  Good antioxidant vitamins for the kitties!  You could mix it into some wet food for him.  Great blood builder.  There's another vitamin like it, but I can't think of the name offhand.
I know you can get the Pet Tinic from www.drsfostersmith.com if it isn't available locally.
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
----- Original Message -----
From: Dudes
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: Cotton crisis

Aw, thank you Terri.  I worry so much about my little Cotton- ball, because he's still so young and still growing.  He has been eating boiled fish and rice today, and I can tell he is not feeling as well as he could, but he seems to be on the mend.  He's drinking lots of water on his own, and tomorrow I may let him back on dry kibble. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Cotton crisis

No thoughts, Sandy, but I am thrilled that he seems to be okay now.  Sending positive thoughts his way!
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
----- Original Message -----
From: Dudes
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:36 PM
Subject: Cotton crisis

Cotton and I have survived our first crisis together.  He is fine now, but last night I thought I might lose him.  Friday morning he was his usual bouncy self, just a little less hungry, like he's been since he started taking the Metranidazole (for his bacteria laden stools).  I came home from work, and wondered why he didn't greet me as he usually does.  I found him in his favorite boy's room laying by the litterbox with a puddle of watery diarrhea next to him.  He was weak, lethargic, straining/cramping, vomiting and shivering from pain. He seemed to have the most pain in his back.  When I picked him up, the look on his face was a mixture of fear, pain and sadness and broke my heart.  I will never forget it. 
My son and I rushed him to the Vet ER, where he had xrays, bloodwork, etc.  He didn't have any urine to analyze, nothing but gel in his rectum. He was found to have enlarged kidneys, left greater than right (enough to be pushing on his stomach), an elevated white count, a very slightly high calcium level, which concerned the vet, and a density of some sort in his colon which the vet wasn't sure about, because it wasn't clear on xray.  She said she wasn't sure why he was vomiting and straining to defacate, but she said it didn't really look like a foreign body, and there was a lot of gas.  Poor baby.
The night before he was seen carrying around a dropped piece of lettuce that was probably unwashed and fallen from the trashcan.  He was batting it around and playing with it, but I took away from him, fearing he might eat it.  In his vomit on Friday, I noticed that there was little bits of green, and pieces of what I thought might have been worms, but were little pieces of red string from a decorative sword tassle.  I wish I had thought to examine it more closely.  Anyway...mentioned all this to the vet, who said worse case scenario is that he might need an exploratory laperotomy to investigate the colon, and perhaps while he is under, to biopsy his kidneys.  The vet did some further labwork, and wasn't too concerned with the findings, and so she agreed that outpt therapy was the best.
He got sub-q fluids, a dex (steroid) shot, some Zantac, and something else I can't remember for nausea.  I came home and put a cold compress on his poor little bottom, which was all red and swollen and put him to bed with his favorite boy.
This morning, he was his usual self!  Loudly meowing to be allowed out, jumping, running, being naughty, complaining when I picked him up to look at him.  He is bright and cheery, and hungry now!  I'm still reeling!  Any advice on what happened, what might be the best way to proceed to feed him?  I am so glad he's better, and I know you are not all vets, but so much of his severe symptoms kept coming back to his FeLV+ status.  I'm concerned that he might have something going on with his kidneys, and may consider ultrasound of them in the future. 
Here are my theories, in order of probability:
1.  The lettuce might have been a source of bacteria that might not have made a normal cat ill, but because of his weakened immune system, Cotton got sick.
2.  The string caused him to have his symptoms or contributed to his symptoms. (but that doesn't exactly explain the diarrhea)       
3.  Since he went to the vet last week, he might have been exposed to a stomach virus. (He was all over the exam room and was beginning to eye the tops of the cabinets.)
4.  ?
Does anyone have any thoughts?  You all know how new I am to all of this, and if there is something I can do to prevent such occurances in the future, I will do whatever it takes.  Sandy 

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