There's also a Native American poem called "Birdfoot's Grandpa" about getting frogs off of the road during a rainstorm or something.  It was in our reading book at school.  It's hard to slip too much in as a teacher, but I use every opportunity I can get. lol.
I love when parents come into my classroom the first day of school and see my PETA calendar hanging by my desk. lol.

veggiepugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Funny you should say that...that's the story I got the concept from. It's called "One Makes A Difference." So cool that you know that. ;) I read it in Chicken Soup for the Soul

Wendy's remarks brought to mind an old story I heard in church once: An old man was walking along the beach after a storm. The beach was FULL of thousands of star fish. Eventually he came upon two small children running up and down the beach, picking up starfish and flinging them back into the ocean. The man said to the two children, "What are you doing? You can't possibly save them all, what difference do all your efforts make?" One of the children replied..." makes all the difference in the world to the ones we save."

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