Yes, I know administering pills can be very difficult and stressful, both to the cat and guardian. And, as I said before, some cats are just about impossible to pill!!
And cat bites are VERY nasty - you really have to be careful with them.
So I would definitely opt for the liquid medications, less stress for both you and Brooklyn.
Most vet practices also have the compounding kits for meds so that you can get them in a zillion different flavors now too.  More expensive, but definitely worth it.
To save some $$$'s, with the pepcid, (famatodine), you can crush up the pill and mix it with a small bit of tuna juice (or clam) & administer it with a syringe. (Your vet can supply you with that. Just an idea. The $$$'s can add up so fast!)
Good luck, and keep those bites clean!!

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